Complete Bedroom Set Luxury Bed 2x Bedside Tables Dressing Table Mirror 5tlg
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Artikel-Nr. EAN: 4067282282193
approx: 230 x 270 x 158 cm
Length: approx: 270 cm
Height: approx. 158 cm
Width: approx: 230 cm
Lying surface: 180 x 200 cm
2x Nachttische:
approx: 48 x 86 x 46 cm
Length: approx: 48 cm
Height: approx: 46 cm
Width: approx: 86 cm
approx: 228 x 55 x 65 cm
Length: approx: 228 cm
Height: approx. 65 cm
Width: approx. 55 cm
approx: 220 x 50 x 74 cm
Length: approx: 220 cm
Height: approx. 74 cm
Width: approx: 50 cm
Farbe: wie abgebildet
Material: Holz + Textile
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