Elegance of the Flowers Handmade Oil Paintings Canvas Oil Painting G118504
Oil painting - Oil painting. G118504
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. This hand-painted painting shows a figure with an extraordinary head bloom, consisting of large, white flowers. The tones of the image are kept in soft gray scales, creating a calm and elegant atmosphere. The figure is partially visible, with the focus on the floral splendor, symbolizing the connection between humans and nature. The composition appears harmonious and appealing, conveying a subtle sensuality and grace. .
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Sizes .95x95cm
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. Professional artists
.It will. a group of artists selected. Each of them has over 10 years of professional experience and focuses on one or two styles in which this individual excels..
Product description
Discover the Elegance of the Flowers with this stunning handmade oil painting on canvas. This exquisite artwork features a captivating blend of abstract and figurative styles, showcasing beautiful flowers, women, and still life themes. Crafted with high-quality oil on durable linen, this piece measures 95 x 95 cm, making it a perfect addition to your home or office decor.
This licensed reproduction is not only a testament to contemporary surrealism and modernism but also a reflection of the beauty of nature and art. We are dedicated to meeting your specific needs, so please feel free to contact us directly for any customisation requests. Some aspects of our products, such as color, material, or size, can be tailored to your requirements. EAN: 4069424928181