This website uses cookies. By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our terms of using cookies.

Security & Privacy


Your Security and Privacy

We prioritize your online security and privacy. Rest assured, we will NEVER share your details with third parties for marketing purposes. You might receive direct promotions and offers from JV Furniture unless you opt-out in the 'My account' section under communication options. We collect necessary personal information (name, address, payment details, delivery address, and email address) during purchase solely for processing and delivering your order. Your data is securely stored and treated with the utmost confidentiality. Occasionally, we may share specific data (like delivery address) with trusted third-party suppliers strictly for order fulfillment, adhering to strict legal privacy obligations. JV Furniture complies fully with all Consumer and Data Protection legislation.


Cookie Information and Policy

A cookie is a small data file stored on your computer from our server, aiding in recognizing you upon return visits and managing your shopping basket contents. While cookies are necessary for online purchases at JV Furniture, you can still browse our site without enabling them. Most browsers accept cookies by default, but you can change this setting (refer to your browser's 'Managing cookies' section).

We assure you that cookies cannot harm your computer. JV Furniture does not store any personally identifiable information like credit card details in cookies, but we utilize encrypted information from them to enhance site experience. We are committed to transparency and honesty about your privacy on our website, in line with recent legal requirements.


Extended Use of Cookies

We use cookies and similar technologies for anonymous, aggregated statistics to understand site usage and improve our website structure. These tools help us monitor website traffic, user interactions, and the popularity of various sections of the site.

With your consent, cookies can:

  • Facilitate smooth navigation by carrying information across pages and avoiding repetitive information entry.
  • Allow quick access to stored information if you're registered.
  • Personalize content and ads, minimizing repetitive ad display.
  • Accelerate searches.
  • Manage participation in research surveys.


Browser Settings and Managing Cookies

Typically, browsers are set to accept cookies, but you can modify this. Refusing cookies might limit your access to certain website features. Learn more about managing cookies at All About Cookies.

Adobe Flash Player, used for video or image content, might store 'flash cookies.' Standard browser settings might not control these, but you can manage Flash cookies at Adobe's website.

For any further questions or clarifications, please contact our support team.

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