Jesus, I trust you Handwork oil paintings paintings canvas G119392
Oil painting - Oil painting. G119392
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. The hand-painted painting shows a symbolic depiction of Jesus Christ, who appears in a radiant robe. Various colors radiate around him, symbolizing peace and hope. The background is kept in dark blue and black tones, creating a mystical atmosphere. In the lower center, the inscription "Jezu Ufam Tobie" can be seen, which reinforces the central message of the image. .
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Sizes .120x180cm
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. Professional artists
It will. a group of artists selected. Each of them has over 10 years of professional experience and focuses on one or two styles in which this individual excels..
Product description
Discover the exquisite beauty of the Jesus, I Trust You handwork oil painting. This stunning piece features a captivating figurative art style, combining elements of realism and surrealism. Crafted on high-quality linen, this licensed reproduction showcases a profound theme of peace, making it a perfect addition to any artistic collection. Measuring an impressive 120 x 180 cm, this large painting is sure to make a statement in your space.
Each piece is handcrafted with meticulous attention to detail, ensuring a unique work of art for your home or office. Our team is always available for direct contact, making it easy to tailor your order to your individual needs. Some aspects of our products, such as colour, material, or size, can be customized according to customer requirements. Please inquire if the product you are interested in can be customized. EAN: 4069424929287