Rose bouquet handmade oil paintings canvas oil painting picture G02656
Oil painting - Oil painting. G02656
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. This hand-painted painting shows a full bouquet of roses in an elegant, round jug. The vibrant red roses contrast with the gentle green leaves and the bright background. The light shines on the petals, creating a radiant effect. The composition conveys a sense of freshness and elegance and could serve as a decorative element in a living or dining room. .
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Sizes .75x105cm
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. Professional artists
It will. a group of artists selected. Each of them has over 10 years of professional experience and focuses on one or two styles in which this individual excels..
Product description
Discover the beauty of our handmade oil painting featuring a stunning rose bouquet. This exquisite piece is crafted with oil on linen and measures 75 x 105 cm, making it a striking addition to any space. The painting showcases a blend of figurative art, impressionism, and realism, capturing the essence of nature and love through its vibrant floral theme.
Each artwork is a licensed reproduction, ensuring its quality and authenticity. We are dedicated to meeting your individual needs, so feel free to contact us directly for any customizations. Note that options such as color, material, or size can be tailored to your specifications. EAN: 4069424914733