The Holy Mary Needlework Oil Paintings Canvas Oil Painting G113537
Oil painting - Oil painting. G113537
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. This hand-painted painting shows the Holy Mary, dressed in a radiant garment. Her face radiates gentleness and humility, while she holds her hands protectively in front of her. The background is kept in warm red tones, creating a spiritual atmosphere, while golden rays illuminate the image and emphasize the holiness of the depicted figure. The details and the vivid choice of colors give the artwork a special expressiveness and depth. .
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Sizes .65x85cm
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. Professional artists
It will. a group of artists selected. Each of them has over 10 years of professional experience and focuses on one or two styles in which this individual excels..
Product description
Discover the captivating beauty of this Holy Mary Needlework Oil Painting, a stunning piece that showcases the artistry of abstract, expressionism, and figurative art. Crafted using high-quality oil on linen, this licensed reproduction features rich themes of history, mythology, and religion. With dimensions of 65 x 85 cm, it is a medium-sized masterpiece that can seamlessly blend into various decor styles.
This handcrafted painting is perfect for art enthusiasts seeking a unique addition to their collection. We are always available to assist with any inquiries and can tailor your order to meet your specific preferences. Please note that some aspects of our products, such as color, material, or size, can be customized according to customer requirements. Please inquire if the product you are interested in can be customized. EAN: 4069424930733