The Kiss Handmade Oil Paintings Canvas Oil Painting Image Pictures G96884
Oil painting - Oil painting. G96884
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. This hand-painted painting shows an intimate embrace between a man and a woman, surrounded by golden and spiral patterns. The figures are dressed in magnificent, decorative garments adorned with various geometric and floral motifs. The background exudes warmth and intimacy, while the color palette mainly consists of gold and earth tones. The emotions of the moment are strongly palpable, making the work a classic of love art. .
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Sizes .75x105cm
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. Professional artists
.It will. a group of artists selected. Each of them has over 10 years of professional experience and focuses on one or two styles in which this individual excels..
Product description
Discover the beauty of The Kiss Handmade Oil Painting, a stunning piece that encapsulates the essence of love through a blend of abstract, impressionist, and Art Nouveau styles. Crafted using high-quality oil on linen, this large artwork measures 75 x 105 cm, making it a striking addition to any wall. Each painting is a licensed reproduction, ensuring authenticity and artistic integrity.
We are dedicated to meeting your individual needs and are always available for direct contact. Our paintings can be customized in terms of color, material, or size, so please inquire if you are interested in adjusting any aspects of this artwork to fit your preferences. EAN: 4069424906059